Program and registration

Rites Folk School work plan for 2025. Program, dates may change, follow the changes. During the courses, it is possible to stay overnight at Rites Folk School, as well as prepare meals in the school kitchen!

Date                 Activity
28.02.-02.03.Knitting courses with pearls.
02.-07.03.Faxehus Efterskole visiting Rite College in Latvia, and visiting Nereta school, teaching in environment and culture, visiting Daugavpils.
01.03.Natural cosmetics. Starts at 10:00.
07.-09.03.Sēlijas lederuddannelse, Rite Højskole deltager.
26.04.We work at Rites College. Permaculture and garden maintenance. Starts at 10:00.
Swap market. Swap for the things you don’t need. Lottery.
10.05.Visit to Aknīste Youth Center: Flower Lesson and Concert.
18.-23.05.Erasmus+ adult group visiting from Denmark.
24.05.General Assembly. Starts at 10:00.
30.06.-04.07.Ceramics course with Zanda and Danish guests.
04.07.Latvian dance day with the group “Karikste”. Starts at 19:00.
07.-11.07.Ceramics course for Danish guests.
21.-25.07.Children’s camp “Role playing”. Role-playing games for older students
9-16 years.
28.07.-1.08.Figures in cement and images in mosaic.
04.-08.08.Activity courses for children and grandparents. Cooking, games and sports activities.
11.-15.08.Children’s camp, theater production based on the motifs of H.K. Andersen’s fairy tale.
Visit of young people at Rite High School, bonfire and sports.
Make large flowers from plastic material.
08.-10.08.Painting course.

Registration can be done at Kristine Verečinska +371 22010247, or Jolanta Albrehta +371 29459696,
For further information call director Niels Bendix Knudsen +45 40312345,
Folkhighschool’s landline phone number in Latvia: +37129459696
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